My tutor has asked that I keep my idea open ended and continue to iunvestigate the issues of my condition through photography
He asked that I revisit a number of images and reexamine them.
Razor Blade
This was one image that stood out as my tutor pointed out, it was the only monochrome image within the set of images of the assignment. We discussed why - my main point being that in monochrome the blood on the razor did not distract from the final finished image. He suggested that I return to the image and see if I could get a colour version that would be suitable

Having returned to the image, my tutor is correct in that the image is better suited to the set in colour than in monchrome.
The main and proper criticism of this image is that it lacked light. The area that the image represents only has daylight within set hours of the start of the day as it is an east facing location. I went back to the image and tinkered with the brightness of the image to bring up the left hand side as it was the darkest area and was distracting form the image.
Again my tutor suggested that the image lack proper lighting. I have now brightened up the image returning both colour and brightness to the image by making the lighting more natural and slightly brighter.
It was felt that the background was causing the blinds to appear dark and dingy. But reshooting and and having some artificial light behind has made the image brighter and more balanced

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