Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Assignment 1

How: I started the assignment with the idea of producing a number of social profile images showing different personality traits, however this did not work out as the ideas which looked good on paper did not gel when I tried to create the actual images.

Deciding to go with a different idea, I based the assignment submission on the idea of heaven and hell; taking the original idea from the  front cover of the Black Sabbath album of the same name where the image drawn by Lynn Curlee 


This image itself was inspired from a 1928 photograph of some amateur actors and actresses dressed as angels sitting during a rehearsal break. In this image they are sitting in an unangelic manner smoking.

smoking angels

I decided to push this a little further and have a more modern demon image for hell and a Victorian inspired image for heaven.

For the demon, I worked with the model using various makeup styles ranging from the 1930s green faced witch to the oriental dark haired ghost. The main issue I had was with the lace hat merging with the hair of the model making her head an angular mass rather than two separate distinct shapes. By accident I look a close up which when reviewed pushed me towards the J-Horror image of a demon/ghost with a white face and dark wet hair, we decided on black contact lenses to increase the other-worldliness of the final image.

Hell - Demon

hell - demon 

For heaven I bounced around the idea of a model angel with white wings and a halo but decided to backtrack to a Victorian representation of a more renaissance style image of a flower crowned individual. I decided to shoot outside in natural light, this time to help create a image with less harsh contrast. This colour image was then recoloured to a sepia image and the trees in the background burnt slightly to remove the distraction of the background, which may have pulled the eyes away from the foreground.

Heaven - Angel (Nature)



I did find this a bit of a struggle as I bounced back and forth between ideas and concepts. I did get a little distracted at first but after nailing down what I wanted to produce the final images were created quickly.

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