Monday, 16 May 2016

Exercise 3 - Reportage

What: Find a famliar location and using street photography/reportage style, take 60 images. Produce 30 colour and 30 black and white, Compare the images and explain which style is preferable.
Where: Outdoors, North Berwick
When: Mid afternoon 
How: Being housebound meant that I had attempted this exercise a number of times previously and failed dramatically. This had a negative affect on my mood and I was finding it very difficult to find the motivation and ability to produce these images.

It was by change that my wife decided to meet with a friend who is moving away and we took his dog for a walk along North Berwick beach,

I like this particular location as it is very busy and by the way people walk along it beach they create lots of negative space around them.

This is a slideshow of the images produced for the exercise.
CAN-Exercise 3

A direct link is

On review of the images I do prefer the black and white images. Especially this one,, as it stands out visually to me.

Exercie 3 - Reportage

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